This workshop is all about a deep dive into craft. We’ll review some of the early, generative design tools/methods and then get into high-fidelity design tips and tricks. This workshop will evolve as I learn more about your interests and growth opportunities. We’ll break this session up into two parts:

Generating new ideas, diagramming, and low-fidelity design

We’ll start by reviewing some of the prior exercises but also talk about the following:

Visual design, prototyping, and high-fidelity design

Platform-specific Design Guidelines

In this section we’ll discuss some ideas on high fidelity design, particularly around software (web, desktop and mobile apps). I’ll point you to some resources depending on what platform you’re interested in designing for:

Visual Design/ UI Design

To kick start visual design, I recommend working with an existing design system. When in doubt, go with an open-source design system:


In this part, we’ll go over basic prototyping in Figma. Stitching together a prototype in Figma in many ways is like creating a glorified powerpoint, but it can be the most effective way to communicate your designs.

Guide to prototyping in Figma

Guide to prototyping in Figma
