
What happens in design spaces outside academia? While this series has been an effort to provide real-world context for your design efforts, there’s a lot more to dig into. This session will continue to build upon the work we’ve done and discuss avenues for further exploration

The Presentation

For the presenter

You’ve prepared a presentation. The floor is yours—share the presentation with others. We’ll run this in a critique model that I’ve used and relied on before. You’ll share, and individuals will silently note their feedback.

For the critic

A model that has worked well for design feedback is the I like/I wish/I wonder format. On a single note, mark down comments that you have on each piece of paper. Be specific about your input! After the presentation, we’ll dig into each in more detail.

Discussion on Portfolios & Hiring

Different organizations have different approaches to the hiring loop. Here we’ll discuss some common patterns and how you can best prepare.

Extended Techniques

We didn’t get a chance to delve into them, but there’s a whole world of design beyond the process we went through in this class. Areas of interest moving forward might be:

Introduction to Speculative Design Practice

Speculative Design

Design Fiction: A Short Essay on Design, Science, Fact and Fiction - Near Future Laboratory

Design Fiction


Beyond Design


With feedback in hand, iterate on your designs. Update your prototypes, document what you did differently and make sure your Product Spec has your latest prototypes in there. Submit your Product Spec (with embedded links) along with a ~500 word write-up the describes your reflections on the process, how you iterated along the way, and things you’d do differently next time.